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Structure of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

Magisterial Council of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

  • S.A.I.R. Don Carlos Felipe de Habsburgo-Lorena y Arenberg, Archiduque de Austria, Príncipe Real de Hungría y de Bohemia

  • S.A.I.R. Doña Annie-Claire de Habsburgo-Lorena, Archiduquesa de Austria, Princesa Real de Hungría y de Bohemia

  • S.A.I.R. Don Martin de Austria-Este, Archiduque de Austria, Príncipe de Módena

  • Smo. Sr. Don Enrique de Borbón y García de Lóbez, de los duques de Sevilla, Gran Maestre de la Orden Imperial Hispánica de Carlos V de la Sociedad Heráldica Española, descendiente directo del Rey Carlos IV de España

Chaplain of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

  • Reverendísimo Sr. D. Juan Carlos Velarde y González, Archpriest of Saint Juliana (Santillana del Mar, Cantabria, Spain)    

Honorary Vice Chancellor of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

      Knight of Grace and Devotion of the Sovereign Order of Malta, founder of the                Delegation and the first Delegate of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Cantabria

Honorary Prosecutors of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

Members of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

Governing Board of the Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria

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