Generalleutnant des Edlen Ordens des Heiligen Sergius für die ehemalige österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie
" Für den Kontakt mit Adligen aus den Ländern der ehemaligen österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie wird eine Vertretung eingerichtet. "
Cantabria it the land of the Cantabri people (Greek: Καντάβροι, Kantabroi). Ancient Cantabrians were a pre-Roman people and large tribal federation that lived in the northern coastal region of ancient Iberia in the second half of the first millennium BC. These peoples and their territories were incorporated into the Roman Province of Hispania Tarraconensis in the year 19 BC.
In 711 AD, after the Moorish invasion of Spain, the Visigoth kings and their nobles took refuge in Asturias and Cantabria, whose high mountains prevented the Moorish occupation. From there the reconquest (i.e. reconquista) of Spain began. This situation has caused the Visigoth Christian nobility in Cantabria to constitute a large part of the region's population.
In the Census of the Crown of Castile carried out in 1591 for the Merindad de Trasmiera region, the data offered that 84.75% of the census population were nobles. Still in the 18th century, in the Census of Aranda, dated 1768, in Cantabria there would be 152,437 inhabitants of which 142,195, 93%, were nobles and many of them have descendants among present-day Cantabria.
The Corps of the Nobility of Cantabria in Kingdom of Spain, was established in 2017 and recognized by the authorities in 2018, as the first nobility corporation in Cantabria.
Familia infanzona y nobleza hidalga: el mayorazgo de los "De la Guerra" en el Antiguo Régimen, autor: Cobo Hernando, María Isabel, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander 2017, pag. 42
Ministerio de Interior (Spain), Resolucion de Inscripcion de Constitucion en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, 11.9.2018, Salida NÚM.: 15192
"Felipe VI encourages the nobles to help the most vulnerable". La Razón Magazine. Retrieved June 2, 2020.
Karten und Wappen von Kantabrien
Santander , Hauptstadt Kantabriens (16. Jahrhundert) und heute
König Felipe VI. Von Spanien und Königin Letizia von Spanien